Air Source Heat Pumps Vs Boilers – Which is best?

If you pay any attention to the guidance on running a green home, you might have heard of air source heat pumps. These are an alternative to boilers and they offer many benefits for homeowners who want to install a new heating system in their home.

For those who are reluctant to switch, we will look at the main differences between boilers and air source heat pumps below.

Air Source Heat Pumps

In the UK, air source heat pumps are the most popular type of heat pump. They use ambient air as a renewable energy source. When you choose to install an air source heat pump, you can benefit from lower carbon emissions and possibly even qualify for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).


For many years, a large percentage of homeowners in the UK have relied on their boiler to provide hot water and heating. Boilers typically use electricity, gas or oil to heat the home. Often, a boiler will work alongside an immersion heater to supplement the water supply.


If you are looking for a heating option that will last for a long time, an air source heat pump might be the best option for your home. Typically, boilers will last between 8-12 years whereas an air source heat pump can last between 15-25 years. This saves you a lot of maintenance and money over the years.

Space Required

One of the issues that you may face when choosing to install an air source heat pump is the lack of space around your home. However, if you have an outside space, then you might be able to install this kind of heating system. Often, gas boilers are the preferred option for those with limited space due to the compactness of them.


There really is no contest when you compare the efficiency of gas boilers and air source heat pumps. Typically, you can expect boilers to be around 60-90% efficient which wastes a lot of energy and is bad for the environment. In comparison, ASHPs can be 350% efficient due to the limited amount of electricity that they require to work. This makes air source heat pumps much more efficient.


When comparing the cost of these heating sources, it is important to consider both the installation cost and the running costs. Firstly, you will expect gas boilers to be cheaper to install than an air source heat pump. However, there are government incentives that can make air source heat pumps cheaper to install and run like the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), for example.

In terms of running costs, you’ll find mains gas and an air source heat pump to be quite similar. If you have an oil or LPG boiler or even electric heating, then you would expect considerable savings if changing over to air source.

Another consideration on running costs would be energy prices. The cost of oil and gas has been rising over the past few years so, over time, you could find that gas boilers are more expensive to run than air source heat pumps.

Consider an Air Source Heat Pump

At CMS Surveyors, we can help you save money and save the planet with an air source heat pump. We can also check if you are eligible for RHI which could help you get up to £1586 per year for 7 years as well as saving on running costs!

If you are interested in finding out more, get in touch with a member of our team today.